 | SpaceHey | MySpace clone ! |
 | FriendProject | aanother myspace clone! NOTE: very shady website w/ many security issues, if u sign up here u should use a throaway password u don't use elsewhere |
 | damedanespace | another myspace clone , small n kewl community don't go shittin it up |
 | neocities | build ur own website ! all da convenience of geocities w/ a fun n vibrant community ( U R HERE RN MY SITE IS HOSTED THERE ) |
 | geocities.ws | like neocities but less fun ! |
 | FC2 | like neocities/geocities.ws but primarily focused in asia - PROTIP:::: if u google this domain u can pull back all kinds of funky old web sites |
 | dreamwidth | blog hosting website ; looks real old n works real guud |
 | soemo.co.uk | site 4 emos that feels n looks pretty old , never been on there much so I can't vouch for da community but some of my frens enjoy it :B |
 | VidLii | old youtube clone except it changes hands a lot + always got some stuff goin on in the community, idk I can't rlly keep up but it's kewl |
 | Agora Road | technically a vaporwave forum but v nostalgic n cozy , don't shit it up if u go :U |
 | ProBoards | host ur own forum for free! |
 | youcoo | u can host your own "social media site." it reminds me of old proboards. :B |